Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

12th Week * MY FINAL DAYS

05/10/2010 (Tuesday) This is my final week, more like my final days at work, and I still have Tuns and more work to do and finish! But I know I can do it!! HOPEFULLY :P

Got 3 more Days to go!! can I do it!! We'll see :D

08/10/2010 (Friday) Today is the day, My last day, it feels like I just started work at Catcha yesterday, I'll be packing most of my stuff now, take pictures of all the people I've worked with personally side my side, and Have lunch with my Team Katya and Erman as it will be the Last meal ill be sharing with them :(, it was really fun working here, although yes I had my best days and my worst, I also had my longest busy days and my shortest empty boring days :) , But I will miss working here indeed.

The good news is that I am almost done with all the work that Erman gave me, as I worked really hard to accomplish the previous last days of work, and soon enough I'll be posting the I AM DONE!! post :D

08/10/2010 4:54 pm I'M DONE!!!!! YAY!! now all I have to do is, pack my stuff and email all my belongings from the office's computer to my email.

And this is how my Internship in Catcha Media Group Ended


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

11th week :) Time flies fast!

29/09/2010 (Wednesday) This week is so much different from all the previous weeks cuz this week, time flew extremely fast. I finished and updated the site, seeded, fixed the stuff that was suppose to be at the site and the stuff that wasn't on the site, as well as I've been uploading new stuff on the site too. Furthermore, had a meeting with Erman and katya "My Team" and today is my deadline on all the stuff that Erman asked from me to do for both the site and basically everything else.

Well as I mention earlier, today is my deadline, so I better be going to finish what I'm left with :)

01/10/2010 (Friday) Its the beginning of a new month but an end of a week, I accomplished completing what Erman told me to do as soon as he gave it to me! Eg: Banners, Buttons, Facebook & Twitter Update, Stuff magazine, Website's Prices Updates, New products etc...
And I finished most of my deadlines in time and have a couple more to finish next week (MY FINAL WEEK) so yes I'll have to work hard to finish all of them in time before I leave :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

10th week!

20/09/2010 (Monday) Last week as such a busy week, from all the busy weeks I've had this was the busiest.

On the other Hand this week is gonna be much busier than the previous week simply 'cuz I have tuns and tuns of WORK to finish with deadlines on the road!! And I am FREAKING OUT!! 'cuz I'm not sure if I would be able to finish on time or not!!

Fingers crossed!! XX

24/09/2010 (Friday) Well today I'm home sick, got food poisoned and took the day off 'cuz I was crashing at the hospital.

Those previous days thou I had alot of work to do;
21/09/2010 (Tuesday) Had to create extra buttons to the, then had to upload all the camcorders needed to the site as well as the services up and running.
23/09/2010 (Thursday) Had to design the new buttons, banners, Advertisements, etc to the site as well as the new buttons and services logo's.

I've also been doing alot of seeding for the site just like Erman asked me, and I can see that that had and still having a huge impact to the site .. so YAY RAPIDU :) :D

Monday, September 13, 2010

9th Week already!! WOW That Was Fast!!

14/09/2010 (Tuesday) I simply Can't believe that this week is my 9th week already!! It's just like it was yesterday that I first started working here. Last week "The 8th week" was so busy to an extend that I didn't even create an 8th week in the Blog, because in that 8th week, well first Erman came back and we just had tones of work to do with mudah, lowyat, Vouchers, webshaper I'll explain in a bit, second was that half of the week was a holiday 'Cuz Ramadan was over and third is that WE HAD OUR FIRST UNIQUE CUSTOMER ON RAPIDU.COM so you could just imagine how busy I was ; We all were, and I didn't have time to finish this procedure and go to the next one and so on.

Well With the tones of work well as we were having problems with Mudah advertising our products on their site because of some issues, so I went straight to them as they are located right across the street from us, The first day well I waited for some one to meet me so we could talk this issue over; and as I waited and Waited, I had to go back to the office and finish the rest of my work and just to show you a true game of manipulation the secretary told me the the person I was suppose to meet JUST left, so I pulled my self together and walked out of the office without causing any problems, but I didn't Just Keep quite on this, I went and met them the other day AGAIN, and this time I waited from the morning until I meet someone, and no one would even come and meet me so I approached someone and finally met a guy; can't really remember his name, anyways he told me that issues are suppose to be sent via email, and I've already explained to him that I've emailed Mudah like a Gizillion Times before and they haven't replied me backed but he kept insisting that I should Email him "THEM" with this issue again, so I left Mudah, went back to the office and Emailed them but did they ever replay me : NO, Will they ever: Well Fingers crossed.

On the other Hand Lowyat Offered us 2 free banners on the site for FREE, and of course the seeding and forums I am creating for the site to grab customers to

The Company also Hosted a Buka Puasa " Breaking the fast gathering" which included really big important customers and I had to create a RM40 OFF voucher to be distributed in that event.

And Last but not least was the First Unique Customer, Well thats Ermans Procedure but what i know is that = IT WAS A SUCCE$$ :P :)

Thats All I can remember, and as soon as I remember something else I'll keep you informed and updated :D

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

7th Week- - While Erman is away

02/09/2010 (Thursday) Erman (my boss) has been away for the past 3 days as he is on a business trip to Indonesia, but before he left he signed us up for work to do among this week he's away, and as I started with what he gave me, and been reporting to Patric (our CEO), this week as awesome. Yes although I've had tuns of work to do, but thats the best part of it, I ran from this office to the other, went up and down to meet our competitors as well as meeting other advertising companies such as RED FM, Lowyat, Mudah and so on, And I'll be meeting them again once Erman comes back to finalize our advertisements to and for them to advertise using their advertising medium.

Yes it has been QUITE busy but its really fun!! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

6th Week

27/8/2010 (Friday) Those previous weeks were really hard and busy, as I had alot to finish do and accomplish. We've changed Rapidu's site and had major modification to do to it, as well as we had more that 5 meetings those weeks for some modifications to do before our daily week deadline.
I have been so busy to an extend that I didn't even have enough time to update my blog. I've also had alot of seeding and alot of advertising campaigns to advertise about the website through the internet medium Facebook, Twitter,, Lowyat forums, Blogs and so on. My boss thou on the other hand is leaving next week to Indonesia for some business to finish and left my team and I with important work for the site to finish so that he see's and corrects whatever we made wrong when he comes back a week later.

The week has ended but a rising week is coming next week so I hope for the best to come :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5th week :)

18/08/2010 (Wednesday) Since Friday the 13th (last week) It's been so busy to an extend that I seem to have lost count of the week. Friday morning my team and I had a meeting to discuss the deadlines we had and to make new deadlines ahead, so we sat and saw what we did right and what we did wrong, then planned to correct it before this week started, and as usual I started right a way with it to enjoy my fasting weekend sleeping.

16/8/2010 (Monday) and 17/8/2010 (Tuesday) Monday came and I was still sleepy and fresh from the weekend and had tons and piles of work to finish, and so the week began. I started with the seeding, throwing as much advertisement and information possible to people to get them in the funnel of grabbing customers, as well as bargaining with people and customers about their needs and wants, I also tried to catch and gain customer's/people's trust towards the company and

I've also entered all the information about Rapidu, Rapidu's advertisements and Some of Rapidu's Hot Deals equipments into all the Catcha magazines corporates such as Stuff, Clive, Mint, Juice, Hanger, Evo, etc.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4th Week - Ramadan :)

12/8/2010 (Thursday) Couple of days back, (9/8/2010) Monday, my team and I had a meeting about the changes and stuff we needed to finish during a deadline to submit the final view of the website and magazine, and as we finished the meeting I ran upstairs to finish my work and ended up finishing really late and went back really really late.

The next morning (10/8/2010) Tuesday, I woke up with a fever, a sore throat and a blocked nose, so I called in sick and took the day off, I'm glad I have because the day after 11/8/2010 (Wednesday) It was finally Ramadan and I was piled with work and stuff to do for the Magazine and the site, as I was running back and forth to my boss after sending him millions of emails about the conformation, and discussions and deadlines for doing and submitting the perfect job, and thank god I have finished almost everything he has asked for me to do.

Today though is different as I am stuck with Wilson from The Creative Department to finish the Banners and other Buttons for the website, as well as I need to seed more people to the website, update the Facebook and Twitter accounts, plus the Lowyat account, then continue uploading new gadgets and stuff to the website.

And the day Begins ....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3rd week - work, work, work!

2/8/2010 (Monday) Had another Meeting with Erman and Nabil about the Google analytics of Rapidu's website, so we discussed what we wanted to do and add to the website as well as the magazine.

3/8/2010 (Tuesday) Last week was Full of Surprises as we had all the WORK and preparation of Clive party going on, This week is double the work as Catcha is Holding a Party for Stuff magazine Again Late this week.

Today was such an Interesting Day as I went to a Lunching of a New watch with Clives Editor "Robert" as well as my Internship Colleague "Rakhi" who is Working under Clive Magazine and is also my fellow Class mate from Collage. The lunching of the Watch "Cvstos" was held in Pavillion Mall KL, it was classy and elegant as it is a Very VERY expensive watch. Robert, Rakhi and I watched the show and the presentation of the Watch with interest as the production of the watch was rarely costumed and made in a very unique and specific way. The lunching also included very important and wealthy customers and editors as well, after the presentation was over, we had a chance to look at the watches and touch them as they were made from Titanium making it's weight lighter than other watches, we also had the chance to talk to other customers and editors about what was their reaction and feeling towards it. We Gathered so much information so that Rakhi "who's under Clive magazine" would be writing about it and I would be helping her with that for the Blog site of Clive magazine, on the other hand this was a lovely expensive experience. :)

5/8/2010 (Thursday) The lunching of stuff magazine was released Couple of days back with the Rapidu website and information included about and what do we have in it. Completed all the banner work, Buttons and etc. but yet have more to finish. furthermore O've also finished some analytic market value of Rapidu prices to be added on to the website, as well as today is also Stuff magazine's Party and I'll have to finish packing the goodie bags so I'll be on my way shortly, "the bags aren't packing themselves".

6/8/2010 (Friday) Yesterday was AMAZING, the Party was a success as they had very important people in the event and had big companies involved such as Sony, Panasonic and Wee whom were cooperate with Stuff magazine and they were all participating with games, gift giving and much more. Red FM was also there as the MC's of the event, the Creator of Catcha media group him self was there, it was awesome, and as i mentioned earlier it was a success with IMPORTANT PEOPLE!
Today though I had to finish all the unfinished work for the website before heading for my weekend, however I still have to gather all the work I have done since my last meeting for another meeting on Monday. I wish my self LUCK , i'll need it. :P

Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd week in Catcha

26/7/2010 (Monday) Its almost the first of August and everyone - including me - is running around to finish what is required from them for the release of Clive Magazine, then around a week after that is the release of Stuff and the week after will be the release of Juice where by its alot of work needed to be done as soon as possible, as well as preparing for Clive Party this Thursday as its being held for a celebration of Clive's 2nd Anniversary.

Everyone is working triple hard, triple the work and triple the fun, alot of work is being handed to me especially, as i am working with every group of each magazine, edition, advertisement and work analysis, although it is alot but it is so much fun as we run around the office from this person to that person and from this printing machine to that printing machine to get the work perfectly done, as this is not a joke it is a serious obligation and responsibility towards not only the magazine but the company and the people working for the company.

Had a meeting with Erman this morning - more like a brain storm session about the design and edit of the website including the services, the banner, the slogan, the location of buttons and etc. and started right ahead on it with Wilson the creative department Designer as i am an Adobe Flash and Photoshop user and intermediate in them so finished some of the work and creations and its ready to be uploaded to the website.

Today was such a long day as we the preparations of the Party and the conformation with the invitees, the creation of the vouchers, the goodie bags, getting done with the editing, release, cutting and helping with both the Magazine and the website.

28/7/2010 (Wednesday) Today, Wilson and I created the voucher coupon that will be handed out in Clive's 2nd Anniversary Party tomorrow. A lot has happed those previous days, talking to customers, (customer care line) as well as plugging in and gathering customers to the website and so on, I truly enjoyed working here.

29/7/2010 (Thursday) Finished all the goodie back packing, voucher cutting, magazine cover editing etc. for the big day today. I hope it goes fantastically well. :)

I'll be working tomorrow with Wilson again to finish the rest of the work (the unfinished business) haha... so I'll be at work as usual on time to meet up with Wilson and then have a meeting with Erman around 11 for updates and a brain storming session for changes or plans to be.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My first week is over... WEEKEND!

23/7/2010 (Friday) Just came back from a meeting with my team to change some arrangements in our website as well as the location of buttons and etc... as well as more seeding of course (EVERY SINGLE DAY), furthermore have to write a new promo on Rapiduonline facebook page and twitter page every morning as being an admin to the page to have a consistency in our work.

I have the whole weekend to work on new ideas to pitch in to the magazine next week, as I will be working side to side with Stuff, Clive and Juice magazines on Rapidu part. And creating banners, templates, Key messages and logos for the site so yes i will also be working with the creative department too, as well as creating Catchy names for our unique buttons and services in the site.

I've already finished calculating and updating our site with the new gadgets as we give a 5% discount for every item we have and sell as well as comparing our prices with other online shopping sites and shops in MidValley to create a market price value and compare them with each other making less cheaper than other Malaysian online sites, giving us a Good Sign and a good start *two thumbs up* . (Excel and Power Point charts created by me for explanations in the meetings)

First Days at work

20/7/2010 (Tuesday) My first Day in work, i was excited to do what ever they give me, I thought being here on your first day would be lonely and boring but it was absolutely the opposite, I made Work Buddies as Soon as i walked in and lunch reservation and chitchats along the day. Work started by 9 - 6 so i had enough time to reach here on time both ways.

Erman introduced me to my Team (the Marketing Team) consisting of Nabil and Lavent for the time being and I - the fourth member after Erman Of course.
Had my Own desk, computer and loads of papers as well as the Customer Care hot line. I also thought that as being a noob they would handle me just enough work, but no they wanted me to fit right in and handed me with loads of work that only I can do and if its not done by time, I'd let down my boss and probably lose my job .. na not really, but i would let my team down, so its more about Team working because we are all a one BIG team working together for success.

21/7/2010 (Wednesday) I was so excited with all the work that have been given to me that I tried finishing most of the work before Every day's meeting around 10:30 am or 2:30 pm (right after lunch) I wanted to make a great impression as well as give them the feeling that I am your girl, you can rely on me.

I've been Handled with the seeding job, which is basically connecting through to people using any medium possible, advertising and creating advertisements / slogans etc. for as its just been released and being new to the market, comparing what we have to other sites, and building credibility trust with customers towards, as well as selling the dynamic perspective and vision as an international aspect rather than being a local site, where by we are driving our site of being unique and not just another amazon.

22/7/2010 (Thursday) Being in Catcha doesn't usually rely on you sitting in one place doing your work and leaving, NO, you actually have to talk to this person, argue with that one, answer calls to get customers needs and wants, gather information, get creative and by the time you and your team are done for the day, you feel like you've accomplished most of your work and most of the company's work without realizing it because you do it with so much fun, and passion towards it, you are dedicated to what you do therefore giving time and meaning and yes LOVE to the work you do. :)

The hardest part of all - the interview

16/7/2010 (Friday - 1:00pm) Interview in Catcha Media Group - MidValley with Mr.Erman, we discussed all the principles of the company, its background, its cooperators and cooperations as well as the Dynamic perspective of where they are going. Then we discussed what am I going to be doing in the company as I start working on Tuesday (couple of days later) .

He then discussed about releasing a new site promoting and Selling equipments and gadgets for cheap prices etc, therefor making him the leader of the Marketing team consisting of the PR group, the Finance Group, the Creative adverting Group, the Publishing group and the Marketing group, while working side by side with the Creative Department and the Magazine Department which includes "Juice, Stuff, Clive, Mint and so on" as well as the Advertising department from Pixmania, MSN, Hotmail, etc.

Erman liked me as I was Confident, hard working and serious about what I am doing, and I was simply thrilled and excited to start working as soon as possible.