Monday, October 4, 2010

12th Week * MY FINAL DAYS

05/10/2010 (Tuesday) This is my final week, more like my final days at work, and I still have Tuns and more work to do and finish! But I know I can do it!! HOPEFULLY :P

Got 3 more Days to go!! can I do it!! We'll see :D

08/10/2010 (Friday) Today is the day, My last day, it feels like I just started work at Catcha yesterday, I'll be packing most of my stuff now, take pictures of all the people I've worked with personally side my side, and Have lunch with my Team Katya and Erman as it will be the Last meal ill be sharing with them :(, it was really fun working here, although yes I had my best days and my worst, I also had my longest busy days and my shortest empty boring days :) , But I will miss working here indeed.

The good news is that I am almost done with all the work that Erman gave me, as I worked really hard to accomplish the previous last days of work, and soon enough I'll be posting the I AM DONE!! post :D

08/10/2010 4:54 pm I'M DONE!!!!! YAY!! now all I have to do is, pack my stuff and email all my belongings from the office's computer to my email.

And this is how my Internship in Catcha Media Group Ended


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