Friday, August 27, 2010

6th Week

27/8/2010 (Friday) Those previous weeks were really hard and busy, as I had alot to finish do and accomplish. We've changed Rapidu's site and had major modification to do to it, as well as we had more that 5 meetings those weeks for some modifications to do before our daily week deadline.
I have been so busy to an extend that I didn't even have enough time to update my blog. I've also had alot of seeding and alot of advertising campaigns to advertise about the website through the internet medium Facebook, Twitter,, Lowyat forums, Blogs and so on. My boss thou on the other hand is leaving next week to Indonesia for some business to finish and left my team and I with important work for the site to finish so that he see's and corrects whatever we made wrong when he comes back a week later.

The week has ended but a rising week is coming next week so I hope for the best to come :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5th week :)

18/08/2010 (Wednesday) Since Friday the 13th (last week) It's been so busy to an extend that I seem to have lost count of the week. Friday morning my team and I had a meeting to discuss the deadlines we had and to make new deadlines ahead, so we sat and saw what we did right and what we did wrong, then planned to correct it before this week started, and as usual I started right a way with it to enjoy my fasting weekend sleeping.

16/8/2010 (Monday) and 17/8/2010 (Tuesday) Monday came and I was still sleepy and fresh from the weekend and had tons and piles of work to finish, and so the week began. I started with the seeding, throwing as much advertisement and information possible to people to get them in the funnel of grabbing customers, as well as bargaining with people and customers about their needs and wants, I also tried to catch and gain customer's/people's trust towards the company and

I've also entered all the information about Rapidu, Rapidu's advertisements and Some of Rapidu's Hot Deals equipments into all the Catcha magazines corporates such as Stuff, Clive, Mint, Juice, Hanger, Evo, etc.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4th Week - Ramadan :)

12/8/2010 (Thursday) Couple of days back, (9/8/2010) Monday, my team and I had a meeting about the changes and stuff we needed to finish during a deadline to submit the final view of the website and magazine, and as we finished the meeting I ran upstairs to finish my work and ended up finishing really late and went back really really late.

The next morning (10/8/2010) Tuesday, I woke up with a fever, a sore throat and a blocked nose, so I called in sick and took the day off, I'm glad I have because the day after 11/8/2010 (Wednesday) It was finally Ramadan and I was piled with work and stuff to do for the Magazine and the site, as I was running back and forth to my boss after sending him millions of emails about the conformation, and discussions and deadlines for doing and submitting the perfect job, and thank god I have finished almost everything he has asked for me to do.

Today though is different as I am stuck with Wilson from The Creative Department to finish the Banners and other Buttons for the website, as well as I need to seed more people to the website, update the Facebook and Twitter accounts, plus the Lowyat account, then continue uploading new gadgets and stuff to the website.

And the day Begins ....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3rd week - work, work, work!

2/8/2010 (Monday) Had another Meeting with Erman and Nabil about the Google analytics of Rapidu's website, so we discussed what we wanted to do and add to the website as well as the magazine.

3/8/2010 (Tuesday) Last week was Full of Surprises as we had all the WORK and preparation of Clive party going on, This week is double the work as Catcha is Holding a Party for Stuff magazine Again Late this week.

Today was such an Interesting Day as I went to a Lunching of a New watch with Clives Editor "Robert" as well as my Internship Colleague "Rakhi" who is Working under Clive Magazine and is also my fellow Class mate from Collage. The lunching of the Watch "Cvstos" was held in Pavillion Mall KL, it was classy and elegant as it is a Very VERY expensive watch. Robert, Rakhi and I watched the show and the presentation of the Watch with interest as the production of the watch was rarely costumed and made in a very unique and specific way. The lunching also included very important and wealthy customers and editors as well, after the presentation was over, we had a chance to look at the watches and touch them as they were made from Titanium making it's weight lighter than other watches, we also had the chance to talk to other customers and editors about what was their reaction and feeling towards it. We Gathered so much information so that Rakhi "who's under Clive magazine" would be writing about it and I would be helping her with that for the Blog site of Clive magazine, on the other hand this was a lovely expensive experience. :)

5/8/2010 (Thursday) The lunching of stuff magazine was released Couple of days back with the Rapidu website and information included about and what do we have in it. Completed all the banner work, Buttons and etc. but yet have more to finish. furthermore O've also finished some analytic market value of Rapidu prices to be added on to the website, as well as today is also Stuff magazine's Party and I'll have to finish packing the goodie bags so I'll be on my way shortly, "the bags aren't packing themselves".

6/8/2010 (Friday) Yesterday was AMAZING, the Party was a success as they had very important people in the event and had big companies involved such as Sony, Panasonic and Wee whom were cooperate with Stuff magazine and they were all participating with games, gift giving and much more. Red FM was also there as the MC's of the event, the Creator of Catcha media group him self was there, it was awesome, and as i mentioned earlier it was a success with IMPORTANT PEOPLE!
Today though I had to finish all the unfinished work for the website before heading for my weekend, however I still have to gather all the work I have done since my last meeting for another meeting on Monday. I wish my self LUCK , i'll need it. :P